Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Each child has their own phase of independence - Lauren now makes her own peanut butter sandwiches, Bowen asserts his independence by answering everything by saying the opposite of what we need to hear. Landon now rides his bike around Canyon without supervision. And...

Carston got a job! He's officially on duty at Wendy's - which by his estimation is better than McDonalds. We warned him not to ask if the customer's wanted their order "supersized"! He's excited to finally have a way to earn a little extra dough and I'm excited to see him find this opportunity all on his own. Woo hoo! One more child on his way to independence!

We're grateful for Dalon's independence in a foreign country. Dalon has been in Tung Chung almost two weeks at this writing. We heard from him last week that some mudslides had blocked roadways on the island and that the missionaries had been called in to help try to move the mud out of the way, bucket by bucket. Apparently it started raining so hard while working that the government pulled every one out of the area for fear of more mud slides, so his service time was cut short. I found the following article on the church website concerning this very event(see link) and lo, and behold Dalon is in one of the pics. It's a very small pic and I've done my best to make Dalon a little more visible.

As we celebrate our country's independence in the next few weeks, I'm just very grateful for the men and women who are serving our country. Some are not much older than my own children and it's a scary prospect to think of them in harm's way, but I admire their efforts, bravery, and dedication to their job at this time.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Lovin' Summer

I so enjoy the summer and the lazy days and the lack of someone else's schedule. We're getting up later, eating breakfast unrushed and (after chores) playing throughout the day. We've got our little garden growing and progressing with plenty of water and the kids also surviving with plenty of water. They regularly wear swimsuits and play with the hose to keep cool. I am still working a few hours each day at the Real Estate thing, but my kids are where my thoughts consistently lead me. Later in the summer, we will travel to Utah and play there for four weeks.

Dalon has finally been transferred from Kwun Tong to Tung Chung. He apparently caught the fancy of a young lady who thought she might pursue him. So, wisely, he was moved. He says Tung Chung is cleaner, rural, and by the ocean. They are on an island with a branch of about 50 people. His companion is a former Marine -"oo-rah"- who apparently does 360 push ups every morning. He could teach Dalon a thing or two, I'm sure. :-)
